WARNING:To avoid injury from blade contact
neverthru-sawcuts narrowerthan 1/2"wide.
Narrow strips thicker than the auxiliary fence/work sup-
port may enter the guard and strike the baffle Carefully
raise guard only enough to clear the workpiece Use
push block to complete cut.
Bevel Ripping Narrow Work
When bevel ripping material 6" or narrower, use fence on
the right side of the blade only This will provide more
space between the fence and the sawblade for use of a
push stick If the fence is mounted to the left, the saw-
blade guard may interfere with proper use of a push stick
Using Featherboards for Thru-Sawing
Featherboards are not employed for thru-sawing opera-
tions when using the miter gauge
Featherboards are used to keep the work in contact with
the fence and table as shown, and to help stop kick-
Add a 7-1/2" high flat facing board to the fence, the full
length of the fence
Mount featherboards to facing board and table as shown,
so that leading edges of featherboards will support work-
I WARNING: Make sure the featherboard against the
edge presses only on the uncut portion (in front of
the blade). It might otherwise pinch the blade in
the kerf and cause a kickback.
Before starting the operation (switch "OFF" and blade
below table surface):
1 Install teatherboards so they exert pressure on the
workpiece; be positive they are securely attached
2. Make sure by trial that the featherboards will stop a
kickback if one should occur
Push Stick