Chapter 12 Using Phone Link
5. Tap the Phone # field and enter the phone number you use to connect to
your ISP.
6. Tap the Username field and enter the name you use when you log into your ISP
7. Tap the Password box and enter the password for your ISP account.
8. Tap Next.
9. Tap Done.
Updating the phone files on your handheld
The Phone Link Updater application on your computer guides you through the
process of updating the telephony files on your handheld.
The instructions in this section assume that you have already installed the desktop
software that came with your handheld and have performed at least one HotSync
operation. You will also need Internet access to download the most recent phone
files during the installation.
To install the phone files from your Windows computer:
1. If you are establishing a Bluetooth connection with a phone, you must first turn
on Bluetooth communication and turn on the Discoverable setting on your
handheld. See “Bluetooth Preferences” in Chapter 17 for instructions.
2. From the Windows Start menu, select Programs, select Palm Desktop, and then
click Phone Link Updater.