Instruction book
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3. Press the tabulator key (5):
Next Timer
Level ABI
10000 hrs
Back Reset
F1 F2 F3
Fig. 8.20 Service menu, typical example
The screen shows that the next service plans to be carried out are plans A, B and I and that these
plans are to be carried out each 10000 running hours.
4. Press the ↓ key to find which service plans were carried out previously:
Previous Timer
Level AI
5008 hrs
F1 F2 F3
Fig. 8.21 Service menu, typical example
The screen shows that service plans A and I were carried out at 5008 running hours.
5. Stop the compressor, switch off the voltage and carry out the service operations related to plans
A, B and I.
6. Switch on the voltage and scroll to the service screen shown in Fig. 8.20. Press the "Reset"
button (F3) to reset the timer. Confirm the question for resetting.
- The "Reset" button only appears when the next Timer level is almost reached (from 400
running hours before elapsing of the service plan interval).
- After pressing the ↓ key in Fig. 8.19, the Life time hours are shown (i.e. the number of hours
elapsed since initial programming ex-factory). This counter is not taken into account.