ROM-DOS Commands 197
E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC MX3 Reference Guide
External Command
The MODE command modifies the operation of the printer, serial port, and active video display.
MODE LPT#[:]=COM#[:]
MODE COM#:baud[,parity[,databits[,stopbits[,P]]]]
MODE <video mode>
MODE <display lines>
The first syntax above redirects line printer output to the serial port.
The second syntax above changes the operation of the specified communications port. The options
that can be modified are listed below. InValid for any of the options are flagged with an error
baud 110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600
parity N - None, O - Odd, E - Even
databits Either 7 or 8
stopbits Either 1 or 2 stop bits
P Printer Port
Using the P option as the last argument causes output to be sent repeatedly to the printer port until
successfully received. Without the P, output is sent only once, causing a critical error if
The third syntax changes the active video mode for the display terminal. The valid choices for this
version of the MODE command are as follows:
40—Indicates 40 characters per line.
80—Indicates 80 characters per line.
bw40—For a color graphics adapter with color disabled and 40 characters per line.
bw80—For a color graphics adapter with color disabled and 80 characters per line.
co40—Indicates a color monitor with color enabled and 40 characters per line.
co80—Indicates a color monitor with color enabled and 80 characters per line.
mono—For a monochrome display. Assumes 80 characters per line.
The final syntax sets the number of display lines. Valid included L25, L43, and L50.
Note: A serial port should be initialized before an LPT device is redirected to it.
MODE COM1:9600,n,8,1
Modifies the settings for the COM1 device to a baud rate of 9600, no parity, eight data bits, and
one stop bit.
Redirects the output from LPT2 to the COM2 serial port. All following output to LPT2 actually
goes to the COM2 device.