208 ROM-DOS 6.22 Command Summary
MX3 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC
DEL Internal Deletes specified files.
DELTREE.EXE* External Deletes one or more directory trees or individual files.
DEVICE Internal Installs a device driver into ROM-DOS.
DEVICEHIGH Internal Loads a device into the upper memory area, if available.
DIR Internal DIRectory. Lists contents of a specified directory.
Installable Displays international letters and symbols.
DOS (ROM-DOS) Internal Installs ROM-DOS into High Memory Area (HMA).
ECHO Internal
Batch file command. Turns on or off display of batch
execution on the monitor.
EGA/EGA3.CPI Internal
Font data files for use with the International video
display driver, DISPLAY.SYS.
ERASE Internal Erases specified files (same as DEL).
EXIT Internal
Used to exit nested running of ROM-DOS within
another program.
FCBS Internal
Specifies the number of File Control Blocks (FCBS)
open at one time.
FILES Internal
Sets the maximum number of files that can be open at
one time on the system.
FOR Internal
Batch file command. Performs one DOS command on a
set of files.
FORMAT.COM* External
Initializes a disk so that ROM-DOS can access files on
that disk.
GOTO Internal
Batch file command. Moves control to a specified line
in the batch file.
HELP Internal
Lists all available ROM-DOS commands along with
brief descriptions.
HIMEM.SYS* Installable
Manages extended memory and the high memory area
in a 286, 386, PS/2 system.
IF Internal
Batch file command. Performs a command based on a
specified condition.
INCLUDE Internal
Allows instructions in one configuration block to be
included with instructions in another configuration
INSTALL Internal
Loads Terminate and Stay Resident (TSR) programs
during CONFIG.SYS processing.
International keyboards and code pages require COUNTRY.SYS, DISPLAY.SYS and
KEYB.COM. These files are placed on the computer when needed. They are not part of the
LXE installed and LXE supported file load.