Installed Software 61
E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC MX3 Reference Guide
Radio-Specific Subdirectory
\PCTCP (2.4GHz Radio Specific
The PCTCP files are included with MX3’s that have a 2.4 GHz radio installed.
Filename Description
IPSTAT.EXE Gives statistics on IP and memory.
LSL.COM Link Support Layer driver.
NET.CFG Contains radio parameters.
ODIPKT.COM ODI Packet driver.
PDTEST.EXE Test or diagnose the packet driver. Unavailable as of Nov 2003.
REV.BAT Displays current software revision level.
SETHOST.EXE Manage host names and IP addresses. Unavailable as of Nov 2003.
SOCKET.CFG Contains options for SOCKETP.EXE
SOCKETP.EXE Sockets TCP/IP kernel for use with packet drivers.
TCP.EXE Manipulate or view TCP parameters and status.
XPING.EXE Test installation with a continuous ping.
Lucent Specific
WVLAN43 (all
WVLAN44 files)
Lucent radio driver files.
DRIVER.1ST Radio driver file.
Proxim Specific
RL2PCM.COM Proxim radio driver file.
Symbol Specific
11ODIPC.COM Symbol radio driver file (DS 11Mb only)
SLAINIT.EXE Symbol radio driver files (2Mb only)
SLAODI.COM Symbol radio driver files (2Mb only)
Cisco Specific
CSCODI Cisco radio driver file (350 series radio only).
AWCO48C Cisco radio driver file (340 series radio only).
WEPDOS.EXE Set WEP key into Cisco radio.
AWCLEAP.EXE DOS utility to sep LEAP (350 series radio only).
SETLEAP.BAT Batch file to run AWCLEAP (350 series only).
CLEAR.BAT Batch file to clear LEAP username and password (350 series radio