74 Configuration and Sample Files
MX3 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC
Sample SOCKET.CFG File
See Chapter 6, “RF Network Configuration”, for explanations of SOCKET.CFG
Note: The values for some parameters are dependent on the type of radio card installed.
Please refer to Chapter 6, “RF Network Configuration” for appropriate values for a
specific radio card.
Note: If the device is configured to use Avalanche for network settings, manual changes made
to NET.CFG and SOCKET.CFG may be overwritten.
# Socket.cfg sets the options for Data Light socketp.exe
# The section xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx is for this machines IP
# The net mask is specified as part of the ip address.
# In the ip address command an optional /net_bits can be
# used to indicate the number of bits in the network ID.
# Net Bits Net Mask Class IP address range
# 8 A 0.x.x.x to 127.x.x.x
# 16 B 128.x.x.x to 191.x.x.x
# 24 C 192.x.x.x or higher
# The network can be subdivided by two for every net bit added.
# Net Bits Net Mask Net Bits Net Mask
# 1 128 5 248
# 2 192 6 252
# 3 224 7 254
# 4 240 8 255
# To enable DHCP set the IP address to
IP address
# The ARP INIT parameter makes this stack the same as
# before. The stack will not send a DHCP ARP (DEFAULT) when
# booting up. For added IP address checking you may comment
# this line out if you are NOT using proxy ARP.
# Interface sets the physicalinterfaces
# pdr=packet driver
# if0=interface_card
# dix=frame type
# 1500=MTU
# 10=Buffers
# 0x69=ioaddr
Interface pdr if0 dix 1500 10 0x69
# When using a gateway (IP router) to the rest of the world,
# replace "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX" with your gateway ip and
# remove the # at the beginning of the line.
# route add default if0 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX
# When using a domain name server (DNS),
# replace XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX with the IP address of the DNS,
# and remove the # at the beginning
# of the line
# domain server XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX