60 Installed Software
MX3 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC
Dual Terminal Emulation
Dual TE’s (if ordered) may be resident when the unit is used in conjunction with the LXE 6224
Session Manager, subject to the following conditions:
• Multiple Terminal Emulators on the same client device must use the same radio type
(900MHz or 2.4GHz), and
• Only one IBM Terminal Emulator can be installed on the same client device (3270
or TN3270 or 5250 or TN5250).
For more information on items in this section, please refer to the LXE electronic
manual titled “DOS Autoconfigurator Instructions” on the LXE Manuals CD.
TE Selection Menu
The user is presented with the TE Selection Menu listing the available terminal emulators. For
example, a user could see:
[5] Launch 5250
[E] Exit to DOS
Please select option: [5, A, E]?
Upon selecting one of the terminal emulator options, the desired TE is launched. When the user
selects E, the screen is cleared and system is returned to the DOS prompt.
In addition to multiple TE’s, the TE Selection Menu can also display multiple Autologin hosts for
some TE’s. Please refer to the applicable TE Reference Guide for more information on multiple
Switching Terminal Emulators
2.4GHz Radios
When the user quits the TE with an ALT-X, the screen is cleared and the menu is presented again.
900MHz Radio
After exiting the active terminal emulator, the computer reboots and displays the TE Selection
Single Terminal Emulator Present
After the initial auto-configuration, the system will boot up and immediately launch the terminal
emulator. No menu is presented.
Menu Customization
The system administrator may change almost every facet of the menu display by modifying the
variables found at the top of TESELECT.BAT. Details on modifying the TESELECT.BAT file
are included in the “DOS Autoconfigurator Instructions”.