Remote Operation
Serial Operation 5
Serial Operation
The RS-232 and RS-485 ports accept the same SCPI commands as the IEEE-488 port.
The commands can be terminated by a carriage return (hexadecimal 0D) or a line feed
(hexadecimal 0A). The responses are always terminated by a carriage return followed by
a line feed.
The serial ports also support XON/XOFF. When the XOFF (hexadecimal 13) command
is received, the RUSKA 7350 will stop transmitting. Transmission is restarted when the
XON (hexadecimal 11) command is received.
When only one unit is attached, the Control-C (hexadecimal 03) command will clear the
transmit and receive buffers and disable addressing. When addressing is disabled, the unit
will respond to commands without being addressed.
When more than one unit is attached via the RS-485 multi-drop interface, an address
sequence must be sent. The Data Link Escape (hexadecimal 10) command is sent
followed by the address byte (hexadecimal 20 + unit address). This sequence will enable
the address unit and disable all others. The Clear (hexadecimal 14) command may be
used to clear the transmit and receive buffers without disabling addressing.