3. Implementation of the communication option cards
3. 4. 3. Configuring the drive
On the Altivar 38’s CANopen communication option card, both addresses and the bus speed could be set via switches.
The PowerSuite software workshop is not capable of configuring the Altivar 61 automatically since these parameters were not stored in the
Altivar 38 but in the option card.
The Altivar 61 parameters should, therefore, be set via the programming terminal, and where the product is being migrated, the PowerSuite
software workshop is responsible for configuring the drive so that it is identical to the configuration that existed on the Altivar 38.
3. 4. 4. Address and Baud rate
Configuration of the Altivar 61’s CANopen communication functions is accessed via the [CANopen] (CnO-) submenu in the [1.9 -
(COM-) menu on the graphic display terminal, integrated display terminal or the PowerSuite software workshop.
The configuration can only be modified when the motor is stopped and the drive locked (no run command present).
In order for modifications to take effect, the drive must be shut down then restarted.
3. 4. 5. PLC configuration and application
The fact of opening the Altivar 61’s "ATV38 compatibility" memory zone (SE8 mode) performed by the PowerSuite software workshop
means that no changes need to be made in the PLC application.
In fact, the PDO used by default in the Altivar 61 in 8 serie mode is PDO1 type and is, therefore, compatible with that in the Altivar 38.
Configuring the drive control mode
Check and configure the control mode applied to the drive in the [1.6 - COMMAND] (CtL-) menu on the graphic display terminal, the
integrated display terminal or the PowerSuite software workshop.
[Profile] (CHCF) = [8 serie] (SE8)
Parameter Possible values Terminal display Default value
[CANopen address] (AdCO) 0 to 127 [0] (0) to [127] (127) 0
[CANopen bit rate] (bdCO) 50 kbps [50 kbps] (50)
125 kbps
[125 kbps] (125) 125 kbps
250 kbps
[250 kbps] (250)
500 kbps
[500 kbps] (500)
1000 kbps
[1 Mbps] (1M)