EXP-INTF (Expansion Interface Circuit Pack)
Issue 1 June 2005 1203
2 ABRT Could not allocate time slot on TDM Bus B. Loop back passed on TDM
Bus A.
1. If there is no reason to doubt that the EI circuit pack can transfer data
to or from a TDM Bus, then since the test passed on one bus, assume
that the test passes on the other bus.
2. If this test continues to abort with the same error, rerun test at
1-minute intervals up to 3 times.
3. If the test still does not pass on the other TDM Bus, follow the
procedure for ABORT Error Code 3.
3 ABRT The system could not allocate time slots for the test on either TDM Bus.
The system may be under heavy traffic conditions or it may have time
slots out of service due to TDM-BUS errors.
1. If the system has no TDM-BUS errors and is not handling heavy
traffic, retry the command at 1-minute intervals up to 3 times.
1003 ABRT The system could not allocate a tone receiver for the test. The system may
be oversized for the number of tone detectors present or some tone
detectors may be out of service.
1. Enter display errors and follow associated repair procedures for
TTR-LEV errors in the error log. Even if there are not TTR-LEV errors,
there may not be a tone detector available on the network that
contains the circuit pack being tested. Verify that there is at least one
tone detector on the network. If not, this test always aborts for this EI
circuit pack. This does not harm the system.
2. Resolve any TONE-PT errors.
3. If neither condition exists, retry the command at 1-minute intervals up
to 3 times.
1031 ABRT A query of the EI circuit pack aborted. The purpose of this query was to
see if the EI circuit pack could detect the framing signal.
1. If Test #238 aborted, follow the procedure associated with this abort
2. If Test #238 did not abort, rerun Test #240 at 1-minute intervals up to 3
Table 411: Test #240 Expansion Interface Local Looparound (continued)
Description / Recommendation
2 of 4