
MEDPRO (Media Processor MAPD Circuit Pack)
Issue 1 June 2005 1541
a. Error Type 0: run the short test sequence first. If every test passes, run the long test
sequence. Refer to each test’s description, and follow its procedures.
b. Error Type 1: the circuit pack stopped functioning or is not fully administered. The alarm is
logged approximately 15 minutes after the circuit pack has been removed or 11-minutes
after the SAKI test (#53) fails.
To be fully administered, a MedPro circuit pack must:
Be physically inserted into the correct slot
Have an entry in the circuit pack screen (change circuit-pack)
Have the MedPro IP address administered (change node-names)
Be enabled (change ipserver-interface)
If the circuit pack has an entry in the circuit pack screen and the other conditions are not
met, a MINOR alarm is logged. To resolve the error:
Make sure every condition for administration is met and that a functioning MedPro circuit
pack is inserted in the correct slot.
Completely remove the MedPro from the system using the following steps:
1. Remove the administered IP-Interface associated with the circuit pack.
2. Physically remove the circuit pack from the slot.
3. Execute remove medpro location and change circuit-pack location.
c. Error Type 18: The MedPro Interface circuit pack has been busied out by busyout board
1. Release the circuit pack (release board location).
d. Error Type 23: The MedPro circuit pack is not completely administered.
To be fully administered, a MedPro circuit pack must:
Be physically inserted into the correct slot
Have an entry in the circuit pack screen (change circuit-pack)
Have the MedPro IP address administered (change node-names)
Be enabled (change ipserver-interface)
A MEDPRO (and DS1, MAPD, UDS1-BD and DS1-BD) differs from most circuit packs in
that inserting the circuit pack into the switch is not enough to make the board usable. It must
also be administered.