TBRI-PT (ISDN Trunk-Side BRI Port)
Issue 1 June 2005 2215
2000 ABRT Response to the test was not received from the BRI-TRUNK circuit
pack within the allowable time period.
1. If this result occurs repeatedly, try to reset the circuit pack with
busyout board location and reset board location if
other ports on the board are idle.
2. If this result occurs again, replace the circuit pack.
2012 ABRT Internal system error
2100 ABRT Could not allocate the necessary resources to run this test.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals up to 5 times.
2103 ABRT The system could not make the conference connection for the test.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals up to 5 times.
1, 2 FAIL The TDM Looparound failed on one of the channels.
● Error Code 1 — TDM Loop Around test failed on B1.
● Error Code 2 — TDM Loop Around test failed on B2.
7, 8 FAIL The Conference Circuit test failed on a B channel.
● Error Code 7 — test failed on B1
● Error Code 8 — test failed on B2.
1. If the test fails repeatedly, try to reset the circuit pack with
busyout board location, reset board location, and
then release board location if other ports on the board
are idle.
2. If the test fails again, replace the circuit pack.
PASS The BRI Port Local TDM Loop Around test passed.
Table 790: Test #619 BRI Port Local TDM Loop Around (continued)
Description / Recommendation
2 of 2