MG-ANN (Voice Announcements)
Issue 1 June 2005 1585
MG-ANN (Voice Announcements)
S8700 | 8710 / S8500 / S8300 / G700
Voice Announcements over the LAN
The MG-ANN (Voice Announcements) maintenance object provides per board announcement
storage time of up to 20 minutes (15 playback ports and 1 recording port that can also be used
as a playback port), and allows for announcement file portability via LAN connectivity. MG-ANN
also allows for LAN backup and restore of announcement files and the use of customer
provided waveform (.WAV) files. The S8700 Media Server supports 10 integrated
announcement boards (TN750C, TN2501), plus an additional 250 G700 announcement
sources (total of 260). The S8300 Media Server supports 50 G700 announcement sources.
Each G700 supports up to 20 minutes of recording time of up to 256 individual announcements.
Note: The S8300 does not support standard port networks and TN type boards.
The MG-ANN hardware is located on the G700 mother board. Communication Manager
maintenance supports the MG-ANN by using a virtual board concept to allow for board insertion
and maintenance testing. The virtual slot location is V9.
System Technician-Demanded Tests: Descriptions and Error
There are no System Technician-Demanded Tests for this MO.