
Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
2376 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
BLB = Board Loopback
ELB = Equipment Loopback
LLB = Line Loopback
RLB = Repeater Loopback
CLJ = Loop-Back Jack Loopback
R-LLB = Remote Line Loopback
SMRT = Smart Jack
LPBK = Loopback
2Mbit Japan Trunk (TN2242)
The TN2242 2-Mbit, 30-port trunk circuit pack supports Japanese TTC private networking
environments. This circuit pack interfaces only with network equipment or other circuit packs of
the same model and is incompatible with every other digital trunk circuit pack.
The maintenance strategy for the TN2242 is similar to that of the TN464F or higher suffix DS1
interface circuit pack. The TN2242 circuit pack is functionally the same as the TN464F (without
ICSU) with the following exceptions:
The Blue Alarm Inquiry test (#139) always passes for the TN2242.
The test ds1-loop command is not executed for the TN2242.
When reset board is run on a TN2242, a different initialization message is sent for the
local loop-around test (Test #135) is executed.
Since an ICSU (Integrated Channel Service Unit) is not supported on this circuit pack,
tests associated with an ICSU are not executed.
Tests associated with new functionality available with the video-enabled TN464F are not
executed for the TN2242.
CRC (cyclical redundancy check) is not defined for this circuit pack.
The D channel can be user-assigned to any port 1 – 30, when the signaling mode is ISDN
Wideband is not supported.
OPS (off-premises stations) are not supported.
The TN2242 circuit pack also supports specialized versions of CAS (channel- associated
signaling) and ISDN-PRI signaling that pertain to the TTC private networking environment in