UDS1-BD (UDS1 Interface Circuit Pack)
Issue 1 June 2005 2421
Red Alarm Inquiry Test (#140)
A UDS1 Interface circuit pack raises a Red alarm when the framing pattern of the incoming DS1
bit stream has been lost. The Red Alarm Inquiry test checks the framing status of a UDS1
Interface circuit pack. A UDS1 Interface circuit pack takes 3 seconds to recognize and report a
Red alarm and 10 seconds to recognize and report the resolution of a Red alarm.
When the UDS1 Interface circuit pack detects a Red alarm, the circuit pack transmits a Yellow
alarm to the remote DS1 endpoint and sends a Red alarm message to the maintenance
software. After the Red alarm is confirmed, the maintenance software places every trunk or port
of the circuit pack into the out-of-service state. The inquiry test runs every 10 minutes until the
Red alarm is cleared.
When the Red alarm is cleared, the UDS1 Interface circuit pack stops transmitting the Yellow
alarm to the remote DS1 endpoint. The maintenance software restores all trunks or ports of the
UDS1 Interface circuit pack to the service state they were in before the Red alarm occurred.
Loss of Multiframe Alarm
If the UDS1 Interface circuit pack is administered using DMI-BOS signaling, the UDS1 Interface
circuit pack raises a LMA (Loss of Multiframe Alarm) when it cannot interpret the incoming
signaling bits to synchronize to the multiframe pattern received in the 24
channel. Once the
UDS1 Interface circuit pack detects an LMA, the circuit pack transmits a RMA (Remote
Multiframe Alarm) to the remote DS1 endpoint. Maintenance software handles both Red and
LMA alarms using the same mechanism.
Table 860: Test #140 Red Alarm Inquiry Test
Description / Recommendation
ABRT Internal system error
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals up to 5 times.
1 of 5