Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
1442 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
4 FAIL There is a problem with the Processor Interface Link. No DS1 ISDN Trunk
(B-channel) or Wideband PRI Endpoint calls can be made until the problem
is resolved.
1. Display the Communication-Interface Links Form via display
communication-interface to determine which link is down (find the
one that matches the DS1 Interface circuit pack on which this ISDN-PRI
Signaling Link Port resides) and then refer to PKT-INT (Packet
Interface) on page 1799.
8 FAIL There is a problem with the TN464C or higher suffix UDS1 Interface circuit
pack or the MM710 DS1 Interface Media Module, or the ISDN-PRI
Secondary Signaling Channel (D channel). No ISDN trunk or PRI endpoint
calls can be made until the problem is resolved.
1. Consult the procedures for the UDS1 TN464C or higher suffix circuit
pack (UDS1-BD), (DS1-BD), or the MM710 DS1 Interface Media Module
(MG-DS1), and the ISDN-PRI Signaling Channel (ISDN-LNK).
PASS The basic physical connectivity of the Signaling Group’s Secondary D channel
is intact and functional. Try this test repeatedly to ensure the link is up and to
uncover any transitory problems.
The test could not relate the internal ID to the port (no board). This could be
due to incorrect translations, no board is inserted, an incorrect board is
inserted, or an insane board is inserted.
Ensure that the board translations are correct. Execute add ds1 location
to administer the circuit pack or media module interface if it is not already
If the board was already administered correctly, check the error log to
determine whether the board is hyperactive. If this is the case, the board is
shut down. Reseating the board will re-initialize the board.
If the board was found to be correctly inserted in step 1, then enter busyout
board location.
Enter reset board location.
Enter release location board.
Enter test board location long.
This should re-establish the linkage between the internal ID and the port.
Table 518: Test #639 Secondary Signaling Link Hardware Check (continued)
Description / Recommendation
2 of 2