Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
1260 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
Table 438: Test #756 SNI Off-Board Destructive Facility Test
Description / Recommendation
1015 ABRT The system will not allow this test to be run because the fiber link has not
been busied out. Busyout the fiber link with busyout fiber-link F P.
Run test fiber-link F P long.
1415 ABRT The lightwave transceiver is absent from Endpoint 1 of the fiber link. Use
list fiber-link to display fiber link endpoints.
1. If a lightwave transceiver should not be present, do nothing. For
example, an SNI connected to a DS1 converter circuit pack or an SNI
with a metallic connection does not have a lightwave transceiver. This
test can only be run when a lightwave transceiver exists.
2. Otherwise, continue with the following steps.
3. Check the lightwave transceiver connections.
4. Replace the lightwave transceiver. If a fiber out-of-frame condition
exists and lightwave transceivers are used, check that the lightwave
transceivers are of the same type (both are 9823a or both are 9823b).
If they are not the same type, replace one of the lightwave
5. Replace the SNI circuit pack.
1416 ABRT The lightwave transceiver is absent from Endpoint 2 of the fiber link. Use
list fiber-link to display fiber link endpoints.
1. If a lightwave transceiver should not be present, do nothing. For
example, an SNI connected to a DS1 converter circuit pack or an SNI
with a metallic connection does not have a lightwave transceiver. This
test can only be run when a lightwave transceiver exists.
2. Check the lightwave transceiver connections.
3. Replace the lightwave transceiver. If a fiber out-of-frame condition
exists and lightwave transceivers are used, check that the lightwave
transceivers are of the same type (both are 9823a or both are 9823b).
If they are not the same type, replace one of the lightwave
4. Replace the SNI circuit pack.
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