
Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
1960 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
Source of input power - AC, DC, or both
Input power - Indicates the type of power currently in use, AC or DC
AuxSig signal status
Note: If the TN 2312BP IPSI cannot get data from the power supplies, the data entries
for status environment will be dashed out.
Use recycle carrier to:
Shut off all voltage output temporarily
Shut off ringer voltage output temporarily
Use clear error to:
Clear the non-volatile source ID cause of the last shutdown
Clear the serial bus error and time-out counters
Serial Bus Fault Detection and Isolation
Serial Bus faults can be caused by:
A defective circuit pack inserted into one of the G650 slots
Bent pins on the G650 backplane
Defective TDM/LAN bus cables
Power supply microcontroller failure
TN2312BP IPSI failure
It is possible that a circuit pack can cause a Serial Bus fault and still exhibit trouble-free
operation. For example, insertions of any circuit pack into a G650 slot may bend the backplane
pins and short two leads together. Or a circuit pack that doesn’t use the Serial Bus could still
have an on board short that shorts one of the Serial Bus leads. Since the Serial Bus is a shared
resource that each circuit pack and power supply has access to, identification of the cause of a
Serial Bus fault can be difficult.
WARNING: Since the Serial Bus fault isolation procedure involves removing circuit packs and
possibly disconnecting entire carriers, the procedure is extremely destructive to
the port network that is being tested. If possible, arrange to perform this
procedure at a time when traffic is minimal.
As circuit packs are removed or entire carriers are disconnected, any active calls terminating on
those circuit packs or carriers will be dropped. If you have any hints about a particular circuit
pack that may be causing the Serial Bus problem investigate those before performing this
procedure (for example, look at any circuit packs that were inserted into the PN just before the