PS-RGEN (Power supply ring generator)
Issue 1 June 2005 1915
2028 ABRT There is a problem communicating with the environmental maintenance
1. Enter test maintenance nn to verify communication with the port
2100 ABRT The system could not allocate resources.
1. Repeat the command at one-minute intervals 1 to 3 times.
2. If the test continues to abort escalate the problem.
2319 ABRT The EPN is out of range.
2500 ABRT An internal operation failed.
1. Repeat the command at one-minute intervals 1 to 3 times.
2. If the test continues to abort escalate the problem.
1 FAIL There is no ringing voltage on the backplane when interchanging the ring
generator to this power supply.
1. Run test board.
64 FAIL Unable to interchange the ringers, because the power supply being tested
has its ringer turned off.
65 FAIL Unable to interchange the ringers, because the power supply not being
tested has its ringer turned off.
PASS The ring generation on redundant power supplies is successfully
Power supply is administered but not detected.
1. Verify that the power supply is plugged in.
2. If the power supply was already plugged in, replace the power supply.
Table 702: Test #1539 Ring generator interchange (continued)
Description and recommendation
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