UDS1-BD (UDS1 Interface Circuit Pack)
Issue 1 June 2005 2383
The DS1 Circuit Pack screen for the TN464GP/TN2464BP circuit packs has fields to support
echo cancellation: Echo Cancellation, EC Direction, and EC Configuration. The Echo
Cancellation field appears when the Echo Cancellation feature is activated on the
System-Parameters Customer Options screen. The EC Direction and EC Configuration fields
appear when the DS1 Echo Cancellation field is enabled.
● EC Direction determines the direction from which echo will be eliminated, ether inward or
● EC Configuration is the set of parameters used when cancelling echo. This information is
stored in firmware on the UDS1 circuit pack.
Echo cancellation is turned on or off on a per trunk-group basis using change trunk-group.
If the TRUNK GROUP field, DS1 Echo Cancellation is y, echo cancellation is applied to every
TN464GP/TN2464BP trunk member in that trunk group. The echo cancellation parameters
used for a given trunk member are determined by the Echo Cancellation Configuration Number
administered on the DS1 Circuit Pack screen for that specific trunk’s board.
Note: It is not necessary to busyout a port or trunk group to change the DS1 Echo
Cancellation field on the Trunk Group screen. However, the modified setting does
not take effect until one of the following occurs:
● Port is busied out/released
● Trunk Group is busied out/released
● Test trunk group is executed
● Periodic maintenance runs
Echo cancellation on the TN464GP/TN2464BP is selectable per channel, even though it is
administrable on a per trunk-group basis. For example, if all but two ports on a TN464GP/
TN2464BP need to have echo cancellation applied, those two ports must be put in a trunk
group where the DS1 Echo Cancellation field is n. The remaining ports are in a trunk group(s)
where the DS1 Echo Cancellation field is y. A user can cancel echo coming from the network
(far-end echo) or coming from the switch (near-end echo).