
Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
330 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
The command syntax for circuit packs is test port location.
The command syntax for media modules is test port GGGVSpp.
Full test commands can be either short or long, and can be repeated several times. For
example, in
test port location sh r 1
she = short
r = repeat
1 = the number of times the test should be repeated.
Variable Definition Platform Range
UU Universal cabinet number ATM PNC 1-64
CSS PNC 1-44
G600 1-64
C Carrier designation ATM PNC A, B, C, D, or E
CSS PNC A, B, C, D, or E
G600 A, B, C, or D
SS Circuit pack slot ATM PNC 01-21
CSS PNC 01-21
G600 01-10
pp 2-digit port number All 01, 02,...
Variable Definition Platform Range
GGG Media gateway number G700 1-250
G350 1-250
V Literal: designates media
All N/A
S Media module number G700 1-9
G350 1-7, 9
pp 2-digit port number All 01, 02,...