Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
2134 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
If the alarm is MAJOR:
● Check connections between the Stratum-3 clock and the switch.
● If there are no loose connections, use the Stratum-3 Wiring Guide and check that the
wiring installation is correct.
● After reconnecting the loose connection or correctly rewiring it, clear the alarm by issuing
disable synchronization-switch, followed by enable
● Wait 1 minute, then run status synchronization.
● If Maintenance Name on the status screen shows “STRAT-3,” then the problem is
If the Standby Tone-Clock circuit pack became active:
● Check the connection between the Stratum-3 clock and the TN780 Tone-Clock circuit
pack from which the system has just switched.
● If there are no loose connections, then, replace the circuit pack containing the TN780
Tone-Clock circuit pack.
● Before switching back to the new TN780 Tone-Clock circuit pack, use test
tone-clock location long to check that the Tone-Clock is receiving a signal from
the Stratum-3 clock.
● If every test passes, switch to the new Tone-Clock circuit pack using set tone-clock
location override.
● If Test #651 fails, then the original TN780 Tone-Clock circuit pack should be reinserted,
and the cable between the Stratum-3 clock and the TN780 Tone-Clock circuit pack
should be replaced.
● If Test #651 continues to fail, then escalate the problem.
● If slip alarms exist after following the repair procedures for any of the previous cases,
clear the slip alarms by running test board clear. See Table 765: Timing Slip Error
Types on page 2133 for a list of circuit packs and associated slip error log entries.
● This error indicates that the Tone-Clock circuit pack in the master port network is not a
TN780. If duplicate Tone-Clock circuit packs exist in the master port network, this error
may mean that one or both Tone-Clock circuit packs are not TN780s. Verify that the
Tone-Clock(s) in the master port network are TN780s.
h. Error Type 1281: this Error Type corresponds to FAIL code 32 of the Stratum-3 Clock Alarm
Query test (#649): every clock unit failed.
i. Error Type 1537: An OFF-BOARD alarm on the Stratum-3 clock, indicates a DS1 facility
problem; an ON-BOARD alarm indicates a fault in either the Stratum-3 clock or the
connection between the Stratum-3 clock and the switch. If the Stratum-3 clock cannot be
referenced and the local oscillator on the TN780 Tone-Clock circuit pack must serve as the
reference, a Major alarm is raised. Otherwise, a Minor alarm is raised.