STRAT-3 (Stratum-3 Clock)
Issue 1 June 2005 2139
8 FAIL Reference B failed or CI card B failed. This condition usually indicates a
failure of the DS1 reference; however, there may also be a failure of the CI
card to which the reference is connected. The system technician dispatched
to investigate this problem should take a spare CI card in case the CI card
caused the failure.
If you are NOT ON-SITE, use the following procedure:
1. If there were no DS1-BD errors or if every DS1-BD error has been
resolved, enter test synchronization r 4 to determine whether
the alarm is still present. If every repetition of the test passes, the
alarm no longer exists. Otherwise, the system technician should be
dispatched with a spare CI card to perform the following instructions
If you are ON-SITE, use the following procedure:
1. Look for a red LED on a CI card B (the CI card on the right). If there is
a red LED, then replace the CI card, if a spare is available. If no spare
CI is available on-site, proceed to Step 3. If, after replacing the CI card,
the red LED on the new CI card lights, proceed to step 3.
2. Otherwise, enter test synchronization r 4 to clear the alarm. If
any test repetitions fail, follow the procedure for those failures.
3. Enter display errors and look for DS1-BD errors. If there are any,
see DS1-BD (DS1 Interface Circuit Pack)
on page 978. If there are no
DS1-BD errors, proceed to step 5.
4. After every DS1-BD error has been resolved, determine whether the
alarm still exists with test synchronization r 4. If any test
repetitions fail, follow procedures for those failures.
5. Check the DS1 reference A connections to the Stratum-3 clock.
6. Determine whether the alarm still exists with test
synchronization r 4 to clear the alarm. If any test repetitions fail,
then follow procedures for those failures.
Table 766: TEST #161 Loop-Around Test (continued)
Description / Recommendation
4 of 5