
CABINET (Cabinet Sensors)
Issue 1 June 2005 759
Variable-Speed Fans
A variable-speed fan is identified by the following features:
A fan and air filter assembly with product code ED-67077-30, Group 4 or greater, labeled
on the front of the carrier
A 5-pin white connector mounted next to each fan on the fan assembly cover plate for
speed control and alarm circuitry
A 2-pin black -48 V power connector to each fan
A power filter (ED-1E554-30, G1 or G2) located in a metal box mounted behind the fans on
the right-hand cable trough as you face the rear of the cabinet
The AHD1 circuit pack and the two S4 sensors used with older fan assemblies are absent.
Alarm leads from each fan are tied together into a single lead that registers a minor alarm
against CABINET whenever a fan’s speed drops below a preset limit or fails altogether.
Note: The front fans may run at a different speed than the rear fans since they are
controlled by different sensors.
Note: Fan/filter replacement procedures for the CMC1 and G600 media gateways are
to be found under Variable-speed fans
Maintenance Procedures (03-300192).
Error Log Entries and Test to Clear Values
S8700 | 8710 / S8500
Table 262: S8700 | 8710 / S8500: Cabinet Sensors Error Log Entries
Associated Test Alarm
Test to Clear Value
0 0 Any Any Any test environment UU
1 0 or 1 Cabinet Temperature Query
MIN ON test environment UU s r 3
257 0 or 1 Cabinet Temperature Query
MAJ ON test environment UU s r 3