POW-SUP (power supply)
Issue 1 June 2005 1887
1973 ABRT The carrier does not contain a redundant power supply.
1977 ABRT There is an active Expansion ArchAngel (EAA) in the carrier that a recycle
was attempted on. Recycling the carrier with the active EAA will result in
loss of network control to the entire port network.
1. If the TN2312 IPSI circuit packs are duplicated, move network control
to the other carrier (IPSI) using the following commands:
● list ipserver-interface to verify that the IPSI in the carrier
of interest is active.
● set ipserver cabinet a or b to move the control to the other
● recycle carrier cabinet a or b to recycle the carrier.
2. If the TN2312 IPSI circuit packs are not duplicated.
● Enter recycle carrier override to recycle the carrier.
1980 ABRT The power supply is in a carrier with an active expansion interface (EI).
1. Use the status port-network nn to verify that the EI (A or B) in
the carrier of interest is active.
2. Enter reset pnc interchange to move port network connectivity
to the other expansion interface.
3. Enter recycle carrier again
2000 ABRT The response to a query was not received in the time allowed.
1. Repeat the command at one-minute intervals 1 to 3 times.
2028 ABRT There is a problem communicating with the environmental maintenance
2100 ABRT The system could not allocate resources.
1. Repeat the command at one-minute intervals 1 to 3 times.
2319 ABRT The EPN is out of range.
2500 ABRT An internal operation failed
1. Retry the command.
Table 688: Power supply recycle test (#1534) (continued)
Description and recommendation
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