Communication Manager Maintenance-Object Repair Procedures
1502 Maintenance Procedures for Avaya Communication Manager 3.0, Media Gateways and Servers
1018 ABRT Test disabled via software patch.
2029 ABRT Internal system error.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals up to 5 times.
2500 ABRT Internal system error.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals up to 5 times.
1204 FAIL
1205 EI circuit pack could not reset the PN’s Maintenance circuit pack.
For duplicated Port Network Connectivity:
1. The standby EI circuit pack may be defective, preventing the active
EI circuit pack from resetting the PN’s Maintenance circuit pack.
Unplug the standby EI circuit pack, and try to reset the Maintenance
circuit pack using test maint long. If Test #306 passes, replace
the standby EI circuit pack, and attempt the reset test again. If Test
#306 fails, then replace the standby PN EI circuit pack.
2. The active EI circuit pack may be defective and unable to reset the
PN’s Maintenance circuit pack. Interchange the PNC using reset
pnc interchange. Reset the Maintenance circuit pack again
using test maintenance long. If the test passes, the problem is
with the known standby EI circuit pack. Repeat Step 2 to determine
whether the standby EI circuit pack should be replaced.
Table 540: Test #306 PN Maintenance Circuit Pack Reset Test (continued)
Description / Recommendation
2 of 4