Defining complex types
98 PowerDesigner
10 Click the group particle symbol in the diagram for each child element
you want to create.
The child element symbols appear attached to the group particle symbol.
11 Double-click a child element symbol to display its property sheet.
12 Type a name and a code for the child element.
13 Repeat steps 11 and 12 for each child element.
14 Click OK.
How to link a child object to a complex type?
XML objects do not support standard link objects. To link a child object to a
complex type, you must click the child object tool in the palette and then
click the complex type symbol in the diagram. This will automatically create
a link between both objects. See the following table for allowed links:
Tool Action Result
If you click a complex type
symbol with the Element
tool, a sequence group
particle and a child element
symbol are created. You can
modify the group particle
via its property sheet
If you click a complex type
symbol with the Any tool, a
sequence group particle and
an any symbol are created.
You can modify the group
particle via its property