XML Model objects verified by Check Model
152 PowerDesigner
Include check
During an include check, the following object control is made.
Undefined schema location
You must define a schema location for an include.
Manual correction Automatic correction
Define a URI or select a schema file for
the schema location. For example:
Simple type check
During a simple type check, the following object control is made.
Simple type name and code uniqueness
A model cannot contain two simple types with identical names and/or codes.
Manual correction Automatic correction
Rename one of the simple types Renames the simple type by
appending a number to its name or
Complex type check
During a complex type check, the following object controls are made.
Complex type name and code uniqueness
A model cannot contain two complex types with identical names and/or
Manual correction Automatic correction
Rename one of the complex types Renames the complex type by
appending a number to its name or