Chapter 2 Building an XML model
XSM User's Guide 117
You can display a documentation property sheet:
♦ By double-clicking its name or icon in the Browser tree view
♦ By double-clicking left of its row in the Items page of an annotation
property sheet
Documentation general properties
The General page of a documentation property sheet displays the following
Property Description
Source Source of the documentation. It must be a URI reference
Language Language used in the documentation. For example: en, en-GB,
en-US, de, fr
Documentation content
The Content page of a documentation (or an application information)
property sheet allows you to write or paste any well-formed XML content.
Defining application information properties
Application Information allows you to write a URI reference or any well-
formed XML content that will be used by applications for processing
You can display an application information property sheet:
♦ By double-clicking its name or icon in the Browser tree view
♦ By double-clicking left of its row in the Items page of an annotation
property sheet
Application information general properties
The General page of an application information property sheet displays the
source of the application information.
The source value must be a URI reference.