Chapter 4 Generating and reverse engineering an XSD, a DTD or an XDR file
XSM User's Guide 209
Reverse engineering options
The Options page of the Reverse Engineering dialog box displays the
following options:
Option Description
Show symbols If selected, the generated model appears in the
diagram (not only in the Browser tree view)
Expand nodes If selected, global objects (with no parent object in
the diagram) appear in the diagram with their nodes
expanded (child objects)
Show elements If selected, the elements appear in the diagram
Show groups If selected, the groups appear in the diagram
Show complex types If selected, the complex types appear in the diagram.
Only with XSD files
Show simple types If selected, the simple types appear in the diagram.
Only with XSD files
Convert unique
references to elements
If selected, target objects are expanded in place of
single referencing objects. With this option, global
objects with a single reference in the model are
converted into child objects. Do not use this option if
you want to keep the global scope of some objects
Convert Unique References
The Convert Unique References feature is also available from the Tools
Reverse engineering target models
The Target Models page of the Reverse Engineering dialog box displays a
list for target models. Select the Add Models tool if you want to maintain the
shortcuts defined between the XSD, DTD or XDR file you are reverse
engineering and other XML models.
Reverse engineering to a new XML model
To reverse engineer an XSD, a DTD or an XDR file to a new XML
1 Select File→Reverse Engineer→XML Definition.