SC Series Instruction Manual page 143
Mathematics Virtual Channel16
Chapter 16
Mathematics Virtual Channel
16.1 Features
The Mathematics Virtual Channel is a powerful, flexible means to allow SC Series
Instruments to perform simple to moderate functions that previously required the
use of expensive programmable logic controllers (PLC).
A Mathematics Virtual Channel is akin to a PLC; it can execute programs written
in an interpretive language called SensoCode. At the time of order, your specific
application is analyzed by our sales and engineering staff and one or more Senso-
Code programs are created. These SensoCode programs are loaded into the
Mathematics Virtual channels of the instrument at the factory. The end result is an
instrument that meets your specific needs but is built with “off-the-shelf” hardware
and software.
SensoCode programs allow the instrument to perform a variety of functions
• Mathematics: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square roots, etc.
• Logical: if/then condition statements, comparison of values
• Timing
• Input: from any channel’s track, peak or valley values, open-collector inputs,
constant user-entered values from the SETUP menu
• Output: Each Mathematics Channel generates its own track, peak, and valley
values. A SensoCode program can “take control” of the Limit Output and/or
front panel indicator lights.