v1.0, November 2009
Chapter 5
Advanced Configuration
The modem router provides a variety of advanced features, which are described in the following
• “WAN Setup”
• “Configuring LAN Setup” on page 5-7”
• “Dynamic DNS Service” on page 5-11
• “Setting up Static Routes” on page 5-13”
• “Configuring Universal Plug and Play” on page 5-15”
• “Building Wireless Bridging and Repeating Networks” on page 5-17”
These features are discussed in the following sections.
WAN Setup
To view or change the WAN settings:
1. Log in to the modem router at its default LAN address of with its default
user name of admin and default password of password, or using whatever user name,
password, and LAN address you have chosen for the modem router.
Note: For help with remote management, see. For help with advanced WPS features, see