DSM250 User’s Manual
Page 18 Revision 1.4.16a
User Defined 129 – User Defined 144 – displays the relative humidity from humidity sensors of
user-defined types
4.2.15 Indicator
Status – displays the on/off status of an indicator
4.2.16 Navigation
The DSM250 is not a primary navigation device; that is, it does not provide means for entering and
storing waypoint and route data. The DSM250 can receive information on the current leg of the
voyage from a primary navigation device (such as a chart plotter or PC with navigation software and
NMEA 2000
interface) and display this information.
Bearing Orig to Dest – displays the direction from the origin waypoint to the destination waypoint
Bearing To Waypoint – displays the bearing to the destination waypoint
Course Over Ground – displays the current Course over Ground (always referenced to true
Cross Track Error – displays the cross-track error (minimum distance from the boat to the
programmed route)
Distance To Waypoint – displays the distance to the destination waypoint
Est. Time of Arrival – displays the Estimated Time of Arrival at the waypoint
Lat/Lon – displays the current latitude and longitude of the vessel
Rolling Road – displays navigation information for the current leg of the route
Set/Drift – displays the direction (set) and speed (drift) of the water current
Speed Over Ground – displays current Speed over Ground (relative to the earth, not the water)
Time To Go – displays the estimated Time to Go until arrival at the waypoint
VMG to Waypoint – displays the Velocity Made Good; that is, the speed at which the distance to
the waypoint is decreasing
Waypoint Number – this displays the number of the destination waypoint
4.2.17 Rudder
The DSM250 supports the display of information for up to four rudders.
Rudder Angle & Order – displays the angle of the vessel’s rudder as indicated by the rudder
sensor, as well as the angle to which the rudder has been commanded by an autopilot or
steering device
4.2.18 Pressure/Vacuum
Barometric – displays the current atmospheric (barometric) pressure
Compressed Air – displays the current pressure of compressed air
Engine Boost – displays the boost pressure of a supercharger or turbocharger
Engine Coolant – displays the coolant pressure for an engine
Engine Fuel – displays the fuel pressure for an engine
Engine Oil – displays the oil pressure for an engine
Hydraulic Oil – displays hydraulic oil pressure
Steam – displays steam pressure
Transmission Oil – displays oil pressure for an transmission
User Defined 129 – User Defined 144 – displays pressure from a pressure sensor of a user-
defined type
Water – displays water pressure