3M™ Rapid Detection Reader 3M Rapid Detection Reader (MODULES)
Display Icons
The left hand column of the screen displays an icon for each available port. Touching these icons
leads to a full screen display of the status of that port.
The lower left corner of the display screen, below the port icons, displays LQC, Printer and
Communication warning icons.
The meaning of the displayed icons is as follows:
Icon Meaning
Port Idle
Port Busy
Assay Timing
Sample processing and cartridge movement
Error – (HRB for example only). For detailed
information see Troubleshooting
Aborting assay, cartridge ejecting, error
message to follow
Liquid Quality Control Warning
See Running Quality Control
Liquid Quality Control Expired Warning
See Running Quality Control
Printer Error
See Troubleshooting
Data Transfer Error
See Transferring Results or Troubleshooting
Figure 4. Main Menu
Port Identification Nomenclature
Ports on the 3M Rapid Detection Reader are identified by a multi-
character nomenclature system. The first set of characters is the
serial number of the TM; the last character is a letter (A or B) referring
to the left (A) or right (B) port for a particular TM. This is displayed at
the top of the screen (Figure 5) when the port icon is touched or if
there is an IQC port error and in the IQC results log.
Figure 5. Port Identification