3M™ Rapid Detection Reader Managing Settings
Edit Settings
From the Main Menu select Settings. Only a Supervisor, when in the default systems
configuration, can access the Settings menu. (Refer to Access the Settings Menus for
additional information.) Touch Edit Settings on the Settings menu, and use the tabs to select
those settings to be changed.
On all the Settings: Edit dialogs:
• Use the touch screen or dropdown lists to enter/select the desired settings.
• Touch Save to save your settings.
• Touch Cancel to return to the previous screen without saving your changes.
• Touch Reset to undo entry and return to the default setting.
• Touch Alt. Keys or Shift to display extended characters (available characters will vary
depending on Language setting).
Settings: Edit Tabs
Tab Screen
The ability to edit the settings of the TIMER tab varies by item
and is defined with each item below.
IQC Interval (minutes) – Edit on CM and RCU.
Purpose: The interval between automatic IQC self-diagnostics.
Range: 0 – 1440 minutes.
Default: 0 (Disabled).
Menu Idle Timeout (minutes)
Edit on CM. Cannot be edited through RCU.
Purpose: Amount of idle time before the 3M Rapid Detection
Reader returns to the Home screen.
Range: 1 – 10 minutes.
Default: 5 minutes.
Figure 28. Settings: Edit Timer
Edit on CM and RCU.
Purpose: Define the locations for the device, group and time
server settings.
Please consult the local IT administrator and the online help for
guidance on the use of these settings.
Figure 29. Settings: Edit File Tab