For Machines Mfg. Since 7/09 Model SB1016/SB1036
9. Use calipers to measure both ends of the
— If the machined workpiece is thicker
at the tailstock end, move the tailstock
toward the operator
⁄2 the distance of the
amount of taper (see Figure 70).
10. Repeat Steps 7–9 until the desired accuracy
is achieved.
Move the tailstock toward
the operator half the
distance of the taper.
Looking down from above.
Figure 70. Adjust tailstock toward the operator.
— If the machined workpiece is thinner at
the tailstock end, move the tailstock away
from the operator
⁄2 the distance of the
amount of taper (see Figure 71).
Move tailstock away from
the operator half the
distance of the taper.
Looking down from above.
Figure 71. Adjust tailstock away from the operator.