ZyXEL Communications 792H Router User Manual

Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router
21-4 Dial Backup
Table 21-2 Advanced WAN Port Setup: AT Commands Fields
Speed Enter the keyword preceding the connection speed. CONNECT
Table 21-3 Advanced WAN Port Setup: Call Control Parameters
Call Control
Dial Timeout (sec) Enter a number of seconds for the Prestige to keep trying to set up
an outgoing call before timing out (stopping). The Prestige times
out and stops if it cannot set up an outgoing call within the timeout
60 seconds
Retry Count Enter a number of times for the Prestige to retry a busy or no-
answer phone number before blacklisting the number.
0 to disable
the blacklist
Retry Interval
Enter a number of seconds for the Prestige to wait before trying
another call after a call has failed. This applies before a phone
number is blacklisted.
Drop Timeout
Enter a number of seconds for the Prestige to wait before dropping
the DTR signal if it does not receive a positive disconnect
20 seconds
Call Back Delay
Enter a number of seconds for the Prestige to wait between
dropping a callback request call and dialing the co-responding
callback call.
15 seconds
21.2 Remote Node Profile (Backup ISP)
Enter 12 in Menu 11 Remote Node Setup to open Menu 11.1 Remote Node Profile (Backup ISP)
(shown below) and configure the setup for your Dial Backup port connection.