Options and Accessories
TableĂ7Ć2:ăInternational Power Cords (Cont.)
Option Power Cord
A4 North American Ċ 240 V, 60 Hz
A5 Switzerland Ċ 220 V, 50 Hz
Option 1K: K212 Scope Cart
With this option, the oscilloscope comes with a K212 Portable Instrument
Option 3P: Thermal Printer (Includes Option 14)
The instrument comes with a thermal printer connected to the Centronics
port. Also included are a carrying pouch that fastens to the top of the
oscilloscope and printer instructions.
Option 9C: Certificate of Calibration and Test Data Report
Tektronix ships a Certificate of Calibration that states this instrument meets
or exceeds all warranted specifications and has been calibrated using
standards and instruments whose accuracies are traceable to the National
Institute of Standards and Technology, an accepted value of a natural
physical constant or a ratio calibration technique. The calibration is in
compliance with US MILĆSTDĆ45662A. This option also includes a test data
report for the instrument.
WarrantyĆPlus Service Options
The following options add to the services available with the standard
warranty. (The standard warranty appears immediately following the title
page in this manual.)
H Option M2: Tektronix provides three years of warranty plus two years
remedial service.
H Option M3: Tektronix provides three years of warranty plus two years
remedial service and four oscilloscope calibrations.
H Option M8: Tektronix provides four calibrations and four performance
verifications, one of each in the second through the fifth years of service.