Performance Tests
TDS 310, TDS 320 & TDS 350 Service Manual
First, set a signal with an
amplitude at the minimum
trigger sensitivity.
Second, check for a stable
trigger at both the positive
and negative slope settings.
Figure 4Ć9:ăMeasuring Trigger Sensitivity
17. Press CH 2.
18. Press TRIGGER MENU ! Source ! Ch2.
19. Disconnect the hookup from CH 1 and connect it to CH 2.
20. Set the VOLTS/DIV to 500 mV.
21. Repeat steps 14 and 15 for Channel 2.
22. Press TRIGGER MENU ! Source ! EXT/10.
23. Press MEASURE ! Select Measrmnt ! Amplitude.
24. Increase the generator amplitude until the amplitude measurement
reads 1.5 V.
25. Repeat steps 14 and 15 for the external trigger.
26. Disconnect the test hookup.
Trigger Level Accuracy, DC Coupled
Trigger level accuracy is verified by the successful completion of the Self
Tests and the DC voltage measurement accuracy procedure on page 4Ć11.