Fujitsu CM71-00329-7E Biscuit Joiner User Manual

CHAPTER2 Dependence Functions
- Displays per source line (Specify /SOURCE for the command qualifier)
- Displays per machine instruction (Specify /INSTRUCTION for the command qualifier)
* 66: void main()
* 67: {
68: int i;
69: struct table *value[16];
* 71: for (i=0; i<16; i++)
. 72: value[i] = &target[i];
. 74: sort_val(value, 16L);
. 75: }
The execution situation of each source line is displayed.
. : No execution
* : Execution
Blank : Line which the code had not been generated or
is outside the scope of the coverage measurement
sample.c$66 void main()
* 000803EE \main:
* 000803EE 1781 ST RP,@-R15
* 000803F0 0F12 ENTER #048
sample.c$71 for (i=0; i<16; i++)
. 000803F2 C00C LDI:8 #00,R12
. 000803F4 3FFC ST R12,@(R14,-4)
. 000803F6 2FF0 LD @(R14,-4),R0
. 000803F8 C10C LDI:8 #10,R12
. 000803FA AAC0 CMP R12,R0
. 000803FC EB15 BGE 00080428
. 000803FE 9F820003C1E8 LDI:32 #0003C1E8,R2
sample.c$72 value[i] = &target[i];
. 00080404 2FF0 LD @(R14,-4),R0
. 00080406 B420 LSL #2,R0
. 00080408 2FF1 LD @(R14,-4),R1
. 0008040A C14C LDI:8 #14,R12
. 0008040C AFC1 MUL R12,R1
. 0008040E B75C MOV MDL,R12
The execution situation at each chance instruction is displayed.
. : No execution
* : Execution
Blank : Instruction outside the scope of the coverage measurement