Multi-Tech Systems FF220 Saw User Manual

Chapter 3: FaxFinder Server Software Screens
Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. FaxFinder Admin User Guide 45
Fax Details Screen
The Fax Details screen is a secondary screen accessible from the Fax Log screen. It presents detailed
technical information about a fax selected in the Fax Log screen.
Fax Details Screen Field Definitions
Field Values Description
Name alphanumeric Name of local client participating in fax
transmission (sending or receiving).
Fax Direction send or receive Indicates which side of fax transmission the client
is on (sending or receiving).
Fax Number nnnn Phone number at which client receives in fax
Init Time mm/dd/yyyy
Time at which the FaxFinder modem was
initiated for this fax transmission (receive or
Resolution standard, fine Coarseness or fineness of the fax image.
Standard = 92x204 dpi. Fine = 196x204 dpi.
Baud Rate 2400, 4800, 7200,
9600, 12000,
14400, 16800,
19200, 21600,
24000, 26400,
28800, 31200,
33600 bps
The data transmission speed in bits per second
at which the current fax transmission is
Scan Line Time 0, 5, 10, 20, 40
The minimum duration of each line of the fax. For
non-error-corrected faxes, this prevents data loss
on the receiving fax machine by adding buffer
time at the end of lines.
0 means no extra data
Remote ID numeric (fax
number) or
Typically, this is the fax number of remote party
involved in the fax transmission (this could be fax
sender or recipient). Remote ID could also
simply be an alphanumeric string.
Number of Pages alphanumeric Number of pages included in fax transmission.
Total Bytes numeric Number of bytes in fax transmission.