Battery Management System
Actions Option (Web interface only)
Enabling and disabling event actions
Use the Actions option of the Events menu to enable or disable the
following for events that have a specified severity level:
• Events Log
•SNMP Traps
Some Management Card (system) events do not have a severity level, and
you cannot disable actions for those events.
Severity levels of events
All Battery Management System events and some Management Card
events have a default severity level of Severe, Warning, or Informational.
To use an evntlist.htm page to change the default severity level of an event,
see Event list access.
Event Log action
Disable this action to prevent the logging of all events that have a severity
level. By default, all events are logged.
SNMP Tr aps act ion
By default, the SNMP Traps action is enabled for all Battery Management
System events and for Management Card events that have a severity level
(Informational, Warning, or Severe).
See Severity levels defined.