Chapter 2. First-time installations 49
Draft Document for Review November 15, 2007 3:27 pm
Table 2-1 Fixed host properites keywords
Every keyword supports a range extension if you want to include only part of the
dynamic information. The range starts at value 0. [IP3] corresponds to the last
byte of the IP address. [IP1-3] corresponds to bytes 1 to 3. [MAC3-5] is replaced
by the last three bytes of the MAC address. For AT, GRP, DHCPNAME, the range
corresponds to a substring. In our example, we will be using the last three bytes
of the MAC address. Below are the step by step instructions to modify the profile
to add a dynamic hostname:
1. First, login to the Tivoli Provisioning Manager for OS Deployment console and
select OS Deployment → Profiles and select the profile that needs the
dynamic hostname. Select the configure button located at the bottom of the
screen as shown in Figure 2-45 on page 50.
Variable Description Syntax
IP Full IP address received by
MAC hardware address [MAC]
SN serial number as found in
BOMID unique host identifier in the
Tivoli Provisioning
Manager for OS
Deployment server
AT DMI asset tag [AT]
GRP deepest administrative
group name to which the
host belongs
DHCPNAME host name as known to the
DHCP server