Mitsubishi Electronics 882.00207.00 Engraver User Manual

882.00207.00 Chapter 7: Appendix 91 of 102
Alarm Setup
This screen allows the user to configure the feeder type for each feeder; configure whether a feeder
will retry during the metering of a batch, and enable or disable the “Out of Material” alarm for any
feeder. If a hopper is set to “No Retry” then the blender will continue to meter the rest of the batch
even if this hopper runs out of material. No “Out of Material” alarm will be given regardless of how
the alarm is configured unless the user has purchased and wired in the low level proximity switches
in each hopper. To configure each hopper, perform the following steps:
1. Select a feeder by touching the “Select Feeder” box.
2. The current settings for that hopper will be shown.
3. Make the necessary adjustments and select a new feeder to configure if desired.
4. Press “Done” to exit.
Typical Alarm Flags & Feeder Setup Screen
Alarm Log
This screen shows the last 100 stored alarms. The log can be viewed, printed and cleared.
Typical Alarm Log Screen
Clear Alarm
Print Alarm
Alarm Log
Go back to
Scroll Through
Alarm Log
Select a Feeder to
Change the Alarm
Silence Delay
Enable or Disable
Enable or Disable
Go back to Setup