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Section 1 – Introduction
The Insight IC-D and IC-M Fastening Systems are electronic tightening controllers that can be programmed to operate
Ingersoll Rand QE- and QM-series spindles, depending on the model, to perform repetitive fastening operations. The
spindles may be individual hand-held spindles, or several may be mounted together (called a powerhead) for manual
or automated assembly tasks. This manual addresses the Insight IC-D and IC-M control unit only; the spindles are
supplied with their own operating manuals. Although the IC-M has the same functionality as the IC-D, it does not have
a display screen and keypad, only a single line display. Many of programming functions for both units are done via
separate PC software. This programming is explained in the PC manual. It is not necessary to access the Insight’s interior
components, so they are not explained in this section. This manual provides information on how to install, setup,
program, operate, and troubleshoot your IC-D and IC-M controllers. The gure below shows the major elements of the
IC-D controller.
Main Menu Options
Numeric Keypad
Graphics Display Screen
Navigation Keypad
Figure 1 - Main Panel
1.1 Control Panel
Four menu buttons on the unit’s front panel provide access to all of the IC-D displays. You use the Navigation and
Numeric keypads to move through the IC-D screens and to enter data.
1.1.1 Navigation Keypad
The arrows on the navigation keypad (see graphic below) are used to navigate among the screen elements (buttons,
drop boxes, etc.). When you have navigated to a screen element it becomes highlighted with a border. Pressing the
Enter key on the navigation keypad (or the one on the numeric keypad) will activate the highlighted screen element.
(The action is similar to clicking on a screen button with a computer mouse.)