FX Series Programmable Controllers Basic Program Instructions 2
2.13 MPS, MRD and MPP
Basic points to remember:
- Use these instructions to connect output coils to the left hand side of a contact.
Without these instructions connections can only be made to the right hand side of the
last contact.
- MPS stores the connection point of the ladder circuit so that further coil branches can
recall the value later.
- MRD recalls or reads the previously stored connection point data and forces the next
contact to connect to it.
- MPP pops (recalls and removes) the stored connection point. First, it connects the next
contact, then it removes the point from the temporary storage area.
- For every MPS instruction there MUST be a corresponding MPP instruction.
- The last contact or coil circuit must connect to an MPP instruction.
- At any programming step, the number of active MPS-MPP pairs must be no greater than
Mnemonic Function Format Devices Program steps
(Point Store)
Stores the current
result of the
internal PLC
N/A 1
Reads the current
result of the
internal PLC
N/A 1
Pops (recalls and
removes) the
currently stored
N/A 1
MPS, MRD and MPP usage:
• When writing a program in ladder format, programming tools automatically add all
MPS, MRD and MPP instructions at the program conversion stage. If the generated
instruction program is viewed, the MPS, MRD and MPP instructions are present.
• When writing a program in instruction format, it is entirely down to the user to enter all
relevant MPS, MRD and MPP instructions as required.