Accessing Storage Devices
6-00025-01 Rev A Library List 2-3
The following table lists the supported Advanced Digital
Information Corporation (ADIC) models for tape media:
ADIC Scalar
for Tape
Scalar Series:
• 218*
• 448*
• * Use the
volloc command and mediamove
utility to load and unload media in these
• Scalar 100: The mailbox must be configured
for “Storage”, not “Import/Export.”
• If a Sony AIT drive is connected to an ADIC
Scalar 480 library, make sure the
Configuration Menu on the front panel is set
to “Use Sony AIT.”
Scalar 1000* AMASS supports AIT, DLT, and 3590 media in
this library.
NOTE: If this library has an attached AMU,
AMASS manages the library using DAS
(Distributed AML Server). For information, see
“Using DAS as a Library Interface” on
page 2-13.
Scalar 10K For newest information about the Scalar 10K,
refer to the Release Notes.
FastStor 7 Uses a single DLT drive. Therefore, AMASS
commands that require two drives, for example,
volcopy, are not supported for this library.