
310 Agilent InfiniiVision 5000 Series Oscilloscopes Programmer's Reference
3 Commands by Subsystem
(see page 530)
Command Syntax
:TIMebase:WINDow:POSition <pos value>
<pos value> ::= time from the trigger event to the delayed view
reference point in NR3 format
The :TIMebase:WINDow:POSition command sets the horizontal position in
the delayed view of the main sweep. The main sweep range and the main
sweep horizontal position determine the range for this command. The
value for this command must keep the delayed view window within the
main sweep range.
Query Syntax :TIMebase:WINDow:POSition?
The :TIMebase:WINDow:POSition? query returns the current horizontal
window position setting in the delayed view.
Return Format
<value> ::= position value in seconds
See Also "Introduction to :TIMebase Commands" on page 302
":TIMebase:MODE" on page 304
":TIMebase:POSition" on page 305
":TIMebase:RANGe" on page 306
":TIMebase:SCALe" on page 308
":TIMebase:WINDow:RANGe" on page 311
":TIMebase:WINDow:SCALe" on page 312