D - Elgar Model 9012 Compatibility
Status Model
In E9012 language, status information is provided through the serial poll response byte and the error
queue. The error queue operates as it does in SCPI language, providing error status of selftest and other
runtime errors. The SYSTem:ERRor? query operates identically in SCPI and E9012 languages.
The E9012 language provides an abbreviated status model consisting entirely of the serial poll response
byte. Other SCPI status registers (questionable, operation, and standard event) are not defined for this
language. The serial poll responses are limited to the following:
Byte Serial Poll Response
64 SOA, Overtemperature, or Rail fault has tripped
67 Overvoltage protection has tripped
71 Overcurrent protection has tripped on phase 1
72 Overcurrent protection has tripped on phase 2
73 Overcurrent protection has tripped on phase 3
74 Syntax error
75 Command error (value out of range, improper mode, etc)
76 Query interrupted, query unterminated, or deadlocked error
78 Measurement error
79 Measurement complete
Reading the serial poll response byte clears it to 0. There is no queue of responses, so the value read will
indicate the most recent event.
Power-on State
The ac power source is set to the E9012 power-on state when any of the following occur.
u The power source is turned on with the E9012 language selected.
u The SYST:LANG E9012 command is given and the language had been set to SCPI.
u A GPIB Device Clear or Selected Device Clear command is sent to the power source while the
E9012 language was selected.
The power-on state in E9012 language is equivalent to giving the following commands:
Command Description
VOLTS 0 0V output voltage
CURL 0 over-current protection disabled, current limit set to MAX
FREQ 400 400Hz output frequency
RNG 0 low voltage range
RNGF 2 frequency range to 1200Hz
CLS output relay closed